Divorce Counseling
Divorce Counseling
Before you go through a divorce, give your relationship the opportunity to heal and restore connection. Discernment Counseling helps couples examine other options before making the decision to end a marriage. Many times couples arrive with different agendas regarding their relationship. The goal of Discernment Counseling is to help you gain clarity and confidence in your decision, whatever that may be. Please be advised that Discernment Counseling is not intended when one spouse has already made a decision to divorce; when one is coercing the other to participate or when one is in danger of domestic violence. This approach gives you an opportunity to simply slowdown, take a breath, and look at your options for your marriage to make a rational decision of whether or not it will be possible to stay together.
The divorce rate has been 50% for the past 60 years, because people think that conflict means you’re with the wrong person.
-Harville Hendrix